3D Scanners

Handheld Scanner

Capable of scanning larger objects. This scanner is stored in the MediaLab. Objects must not be reflective nor clear to capture an accurate scan.

Two students scanning a motorcycle in the MediaLab using the handheld scanner and makeshift backdrops.

Tabletop Scanner

EinScan-SE 3D Scanner located in the main Makerspace. Objects must not be reflective nor clear to obtain a clear scan.

Getting started with the 3D scanner:

The basic requirements to get started with the 3D scanner is to take the 3D scanning workshop

  • The MIX has a tabletop EinScan-SE 3D Scanner, and a handheld 3D scanner for large objects. Scanners are only available to use within the MIX.

  • (1) Einscan H

    Used for oversized objects or full body scans.

  • The MIX offers a workshop that covers the fundamentals for getting a successful scan and how to operate the scanner and software. The workshop is required before using the tool.

  • Tabletop Scanner

    Number Available: 1

    Scan Mode: Fixed Scan with Turntable

    Min Scan Volume: 30x30x30 mm

    Max Scan Volume: 200x200x200 mm

    Load Capacity on Turntable: 5kg

    Handheld Scanner:

    Number Available: 1

    Scan Mode: Object or Portrait

    This scanner can cover larger areas, such as a full person or piece of furniture.

  • EXScan S V3
