Featured Faculty, RSO’s, and Student Partnerships
Faculty can partner with the MIX for their own research or can involve their students at the MIX. The MIX can provide tools, training, and resources to enhance your curriculum or project. Read more about the projects faculty members have done in the past.
Pelin Kurtay, Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, used the MIX to host the last project of the Embedded Systems and Hardware Interfaces (ECE 350) course. This course introduces embedded systems design through project-based activities. The MIX interviewed students and participated in the exchange of ideas during the two day exposition in which projects like theremins, pianos, soccer, car safety detection systems, and more were successfully produced.
Sue Wrbican, a Full Professor in the School of Art and Director of the Photography Department, brought her Fall 2024 Digital Photography students to the MIX to learn fabrication skills that expand the scope of their digital photography explorations.
Lisa Bauman, Professor of Art History, used the MIX makerspace to host the final project of ARTH 103: Introduction to Architecture, They received workshops on TinkerCAD and 3D printing to incorporate into their project models.
Faculty Project Highlights
Ted Prawat a Professor of Game Design received a grant to provide cutting-edge robotic equipment to be incorporated into his courses.
“These devices will add a vibrant dimension to my intro and major game design courses at the MIX. Having students work with robots
like Thymio will be impactful.”
Andy Yoder is a sculpture professor at the School of Art and as much as he loves teaching, Andy is an active artist constantly creating and exhibiting his own work.
“These leaves were created using ⅛” mirrored acrylic, laser cutters, and lots of expert assistance from the MIX staff. I had a blast doing it, because I love making work using materials and techniques I’m not familiar with. Last fall I collected a wide variety of leaves, then photocopied them on the self-serve machines at Staples (don’t ask/don’t tell). Next, I traced the outlines of the leaves and the interior veins, then scanned the tracings to create computerized files (it was important to me that the images were taken from real leaves, warts and all, to make them look as convincing as possible). After the files were cleaned up I learned how to enter them into the laser cutters…..
…..I ended up making well over 500 golden leaves, heating them with oxy-acetylene torches, for a two-person gallery exhibition in Baltimore. Huge, enormous thanks to the staff at the MIX. Their enthusiasm and support were contagious, and this project wouldn’t have been possible without them.”
Explore Faculty Projects with the MIX
Engage Students with Hands-On Projects
Reserve time in our space with a hands-on workshop led by the MIX team
One on One support for students in the Makespace, Media Lab, or Incubator
Brainstorm how to enhance curriculum given our suite of tools and technology
The MIX Collaborates with GMU Biology Professor to 3D Print New Tool for Wildlife Tracking Research Project