Student Innovator Mastermind

Mason student innovators looking to kickstart their business ideas now have a new resource to help them move the needle forward. The first of its kind, the MIX Student Innovator Mastermind, was created in Spring 2024, to assist these young entrepreneurs who seek to create and grow a business venture - but need additional support. 🚀 Picture this: a dynamic community of 10+ driven student innovators coming together to supercharge their ideas through peer-to-peer collaboration and shared wisdom. It's not just about networking; it's about unleashing the full potential of their business ideas alongside a squad of like-minded go-getters. Plus, they will get valuable entrepreneurial advice by being paired with a Mentor, and extra support from seasoned business pros, smoothing their path to success.

Mastermind groups offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, and support to sharpen your business idea and personal skills. Members challenge each other to set strong goals, and more importantly, to accomplish them.

During the 6-weeks, the student mastermind will participate in several powerful workshops given by seasoned business professionals. Each talk is centered around a best practice, strategy, or process that is compelling, transformative, and immediately executable.

What to expect:

  • • The small group of selected applicants will consist of 10+ Mason student innovator/founders and one facilitator, Lisa Shapiro, Assistant Director, and serial entrepreneur.

    • The group meet once a week, in-person, for 1 hour on a set recurring day of the week and time, and will begin in late March for 6 weeks, ending in May.

    Everyone speaks. In a round robin fashion, students will each report out on wins, challenges, and needs.

    • Each week, students hear from seasoned business experts on best practices, strategy, or process that is compelling, transformative, and immediately executable.

    • Students will take turns sharing with a focus on a few for "hot seat" weekly.

    • The group comes together to provide practical advice based on each of our own business experience to help each other overcome business challenges.

    • Enjoy a level of accountability as you take action after each week.

    • Resources to develop an action plan with milestones

Thank You to Our Sponsors:

The National Security Institute (NSI) at George Mason University’s (GMU) Antonin Scalia Law School is a policy and academic institution committed to strengthening American national security and global leadership. Launched in fall 2023, the NSI Cyber and Technology Center (CTC) expands NSI’s efforts to promote American leadership in technology innovation and to engage on critical issues at the intersection of technology and national security. 

Both NSI and NSI CTC are committed to training the next generation of leaders and providing students with the academic and professional tools needed to take on tomorrow’s most critical challenges.  “We are excited to be a sponsor of the Mason Innovation Exchange (MIX) Incubator Mastermind program and to continue to support our and GMU’s common goal of nurturing talent, fostering innovation, and empowering individuals to drive positive change in the world around them."

Thank you to our Sponsor, AthletesInnovate - committed to bringing the genius of athletes from the court to the community. Teamed up with professional athletes, corporate partners and community organizations to raise money and awareness around the need to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education among under-served K-12 students.


Week 1: September 16- 19 - - Kickoff, meet your mastermind, Intro Presentations, overview of mastermind logistics and goal setting for program. (Provide resource guide and documents) (1.5 hours)

Week 2: September 23-26 - Entrepreneurship Fundamentals: The principles of entrepreneurship, including mindset, traits, and skills required to succeed as an entrepreneur. (1.5 hours)

Week 3:  October 1- 3 - Intro to Business Model Canvas: Intro to Customer Segment & Value Proposition (Competitor analysis intro) - George Siragusa, VA SBDC (1.5 hours + Follow-up activity)

Week 4:  October 7- 10 – Customer Avatar Development and Intro to Customer Discovery – (Gain insights into identifying target markets, understanding customer needs, preferences, and behaviors, and conducting market research to validate business ideas and ensuring business idea success) (1.5 hours + Follow-up activity)

Week 5:  October 14-17 – Customer Discovery Interviews (Fall Break activity) = 3-5 customer interviews

Week 6:  October 21- 24 – Ecosystem Mapping – Archetypes Job Process Map

Week 7: October 28-31 - Go to Market Strategy - Define your sales strategy, including customer acquisition methods, sales channels, pricing strategy, and sales forecast. (1.5 hours + Follow-up activity)

Week 8: November 4-8 - Creating a legal business entity, Visa status constraints, – legal aspects – Timm Johnson, Mason SBDC (1.5 hours + Follow-up activity)

Week 9: November 11-15 –Strategic marketing plan outlining branding, messaging, distribution channels, and promotional tactics.

Week 10: November 18-22 – The Art of the Pitch

Week 11: Thanksgiving recess – Pitch Deck Development (activity)  

Week 12: December 2-6 (Final Pitch Presentations & Celebration Luncheon)

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, Sept. 8th at midnight