VR Development with School of Art Professor John Von Bergen

New sculpture Professor John Von Bergen tests the MIX Vis VR Lab in HH369 in preparation for his aesthetics class

Von Bergen joined Mason this spring as the new Sculpture Professor in the School of Art, previously based between Los Angeles and Berlin. His works have been recognized globally for its materiality and intricacies. Through his course, AVT 307: Aesthetics, von Bergen is introducing VR as a tool for the interdisciplinary curriculum as “students engage with historical and contemporary aesthetic theories, build heightened aesthetic sensibility, and explore their personal aesthetic .” (Course Description) With an approx. 50 ft tall relief sculpture commissioned for the The German Bundestag in 2023, von Bergen is putting his international experience to use in virtual environments to provide GMU students alternative formats for learning.

This is the beginning of a series of collaborations between the MIX managed VIS/VR Lab in Horizon Hall 369 and academic departments.

Check out John von Bergens work on his website.


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